It doesnt just rain it pours…..

sore throatThunder storms, gale force winds and simply awful weather, topped with a broken cell phone, no satellite reception, and an awful bout of laryngitis.(For those who don’t know what this is ; its not some deadly  contagious disease but a name given to a throat infection which effects your vocal cords resulting in one loosing their voice.) Oh yes and for those who know me no need to cheer and be happy at my sad dilemma.  I know exactly what you are thinking;  “Hurray peace and quiet for a few days!!!” .   🙂  Can anything else go wrong I am wondering!!  “It doesn’t just rain it pours”.

As my job entails a lot of talking going to work was definitely out of the question. So being positive, I am a going to make the best of my predicament and have a duvet day, a lazy day at home lounging in my PJ’S, a pile of DVDs to entertain me and the remote control firmly in my hand. Let’s hope that the weather improves soon, the satellite restores it self and my phone recovers too together with my sore throat. I hope to be back in a few days to update this blog hopefully with some new inspiration

Published in: on November 15, 2009 at 11:28 am  Comments (15)  

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15 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. hmm.. all probs at a time.. happens..
    i remember another post of urs.. where i think ur car or something had probs…

  2. Every other thing happening at exactly the same time! This is exactly what they call ‘pandemonium’.. 🙂

    Hope you recover soon..! and will the phone recover by itself or you need to get that set right?

  3. Nice flow of thought..Worrying about ur throat is okay but worrying about cell phone isn’t that reasonable..:P anyways its a good one..:)

  4. and yeah..we got a blog post!!!

    i liked the way you looked at the mess!!

  5. get will soon 🙂

  6. I too am suffering from a mind bout of laryngitis! 😀 I feel aweful when I wake up in the morning, the throat just doesn’t feel nice.

    BTW Get well soon! 🙂

  7. Hey, u ok now? Talk about bad weather… Here in London, it is always bad. The worst possible kind one can imagine. No wonder why the English went in search for better lands. 🙂

    Keep writing…

  8. mam, u r fine now??

    change in climate usually create problems

    take care and come with some more beautiful posts 🙂

  9. a lazy day produces more creativity….
    result si here 🙂

  10. hah! i vaguely remember somethin like this happenin to me…every so often!

    When things go wrong…they all will 😀

    Happy posting

    (will check back on your ‘five years later’ story soon)


  11. Vow, shows how skillfully u could portray even a small piece of info:)

  12. good one
    life always has somethin like this happenin o everyone one time or the other .

    good read

  13. I’m late by a month to this post. Ur probly okay by now..have the holidays begun there?


  14. Hope, you are alright now and do you really talk so much?

  15. i clearly understand your situation.. i too have a throat problm n since i am the events coordinator it raelly hurts.. nice to knw that somebody takes talking seriously…:P

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